SBS1- Lab 4 : Linux Programming
(2 hours 2 Credits)
- Find the sum of the digits of a given number
- Find the reverse of a number
- Perform basic arithmetic operations using case
- Display multiplication table
- Check whether a number is prime or not using while
- Convert lowercase to uppercase using tr statement
- Check for an adam number
- Check pattern matching using grep
- Find the number of users who have logged in
10. Check for palindrome
11. Find
age of a person using set date
12. Write
a menu driven program to display today’s date,
Processes of the system, user’s of the system, list files of
the system
13. Read
10 names from a file and sort in
a. Ascending order
b. Descending order
14. Write
a menu driven program to check for file existence, file
or not, file writeable or not,
15. Get
mark details of a student and display total and grade
16. Prepare electricity bill
17. To set
the attributes of a given file
18. To
check the given file is a directory or not
19. To
create and append a file
20. To
compare two files
21. To
perform string manipulation
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