( 6
Hours – 4 Credits)
Basic concepts of object oriented
programming-Benefits of OOP’s-Application of OOP-Structure of C++ program-Basic
data type-Derived data type-User defined data type, operators in C++, Control statements, inline function, function overloading-specifying a
class-defining member function-nesting of member function-array of object-friend
function-constructor-parameterized constructor-copy constructor-destructor.
Defining operator
overloading-overloading unary operator-overloading binary operator-rules for
operator overloading-inheritance-single inheritance-multilevel inheritance-multiple
inheritance-hierarchical inheritance-hybrid inheritance-virtual base
class-polymorphism-pointer-pointer to object-this pointer-virtual function-pure
virtual function
Unit III
Arrays - Introduction – Linear
Arrays – Representation of Linear arrays in memory – Traversing linear arrays –
Sorting – Linear Search – Binary Search – Multidimensional array – Pointers –
Records – Representation of records in memory - Matrices – sparse matrices
Unit IV
Linked List – Introduction –
representation of linked list in memory – Traversing a linked list – searching
a linked list – memory allocation – insertion and deletion in a linked list –
implementation of Stack using array and linked representation – an application
of stack – recursion – Queues – Linked representation of queues.
Unit V
Trees – Introduction – Binary
Trees – Types of Binary Trees – Representation of Binary Trees – Binary Tree Traversals – Binary search trees
– searching and inserting in binary search trees.
Text Book:
1. Object Oriented Programming with C++ - Third
Edition – E. Balagurusamy 2006
Unit I & II – Chapters 1. 5, 1. 6, 1. 8, 2. 6, 3. 5, 3. 6, 3. 7, 3. 13, 3. 24, 4. 6, 4. 7, 5. 3, 5. 4, 5. 7, 5. 15, 6. 2, 6. 3, 6. 7, 6. 11, 7.
2, 7. 3, 7. 4, 7. 7, 8. 3, 8. 5, 8. 6, 8. 7, 8. 8, 8. 9, 9. 1, 9. 2, 9. 3, 9. 4, 9. 6, 9. 7
2. Data Structures – Seymour Lipschutz – Tata McGrawhill – Year
2006 (Adapted by G A V Pai)
Unit III – Chapter 4
Unit IV – Chapter 5 : 5. 1, 5. 2, 5. 3,
5. 4, 5.
5, 5. 6, 5. 7, 5. 8
Chapter 6 : 6. 2, 6. 3, 6. 4,
6. 6, 6.
7, 6. 10, 6. 11
Unit V -
Chapter 7: 7. 1, 7. 2,
7. 3, 7.
4, 7. 7, 7. 8
Reference Books:
1. A. Chitra, P. T. Rajan
Vijay Nicole Imprints - 2006
2. Classical Data Structures – D. Samanta, PHI, 2008
3. Object-Oriented Programming With C++, Poornachandra Sarang, 2nd Edition, PHI
Learning Private Limited, New
Delhi, 2009
4. Object-Oriented Programming Using C++, Alok Kumar Jagadev, Amiya Kumar Rath
and Satchidananda Dehuri, Prentice-Hall of India
Private Limited, New Delhi, 2007
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