Thursday, 27 December 2012

Syllabus - AS4 : Numerical Methods

AS4 :  Numerical Methods
( 4 Hours – 5 Credits)
Errors in computer Arithmetic –Empirical relations and Curve Fitting & Transcendental Equations:  Iteration method – Bisection method – Regula Falsi method – Newton Raphson method. 

Simultaneous Equations: Gauss elimination method –Gauss Jordan,  Gauss Seidel iteration methods.    

Interpolation: Newton’s interpolation formulae – Central difference interpolation formulae – Lagrange’s interpolation formula – Inverse interpolation. 

Numerical differentiation: Newton’s Forward and Backward difference formulae – Numerical Integration: Trapezoidal rule – Simpson’s rule.    Eigen values and Eigen vectors of a matrix.     

Numerical solution of differential equations: Euler’s method – Taylor’s series method – Range-Kutta methods.    

Text book:

  1. Numerical Methods,  T.   Veerarajan and T.   Ramachandran,  2nd edition,  Tata McGraw Hill,  2006

Reference Books:

  1. Numerical Methods by S.   Arumugam & A.   Thangapandi Issac,  A.   Somasundaram,  Sci Tech Publication,  Chennai,  2002. 

2.      Introductory Methods of Numerical Analysis,  S.  S.  Sastry,  Prentice Hall of India 
            Pvt.  Ltd,  New Delhi,   4th Edition,  2008.   
3.      Computer-Oriented Numerical Methods,  P.  Thangaraj,  Prentice Hall of India 
            Pvt.  Ltd,  New Delhi,  2008

Syllabus - CS8 Lab 4: Object Oriented Programming with Java

CS8 Lab 4: Object Oriented Programming with Java
( 6 Hours – 4 Credits)

Write programs in Java for the following:

1.      To perform addition of complex numbers using class and objects.  
2.      To perform multiplication of matrices using class and objects.  
3.      To perform volume calculation using method overloading 
4.      Using command line arguments,  test if the given string is palindrome or not.  
5.      Write a program to fill names into a list.   Also,  copy them in reverse order into another list.    If the name contains any numeric value throw an exception  “InvalidName”. 

6.      Using multilevel inheritance process student marks
7.      Implement multiple inheritance for payroll processing
8.      Create a package called “Arithmetic” that contains methods to deal with all arithmetic
operations.   Also,  write a program to use the package
9.      Create two threads such that one of the thread print even no’s and another prints odd no’s up to a given range. 

10.  Define an exception called “Marks Out Of Bound” Exception,  that is thrown if the entered marks are greater than 100. 
11.  String manipulation using string methods ( Use of any five String methods preferred)
12.  File  – byte stream
13.  File – character stream
14.  Write an Applet illustrating sequence of events in an applet. 

15.   Write an Applet program to design a simple calculator. 

16.  Write an Interactive Applet program which will make the balls of various colours to
move across the screen within the specified time limit.   The number of balls and the time limit for ball animation should be obtained from the User when the applet starts. 

Syllabus - CS7 : Object Oriented Programming with Java

CS7 : Object Oriented Programming with Java
( 6 Hours – 4 Credits)

Java Evolution : Java Features – How Java differs from C and C++ - Java and Internet – Java and World Wide Web – Web Browsers – Hardware and Software Requirements – Java Environment.   Overview of Java Language: Simple Java Program – Java Program Structure – Java Tokens- Java Statements – Implementing a Java Program – Java Virtual Machine – Command Line Arguments.   Constants- Variables- Data types- Declaration of Variables- Giving Values to variables- Scope of Variables-Symbolic Constants-Type Casting. 

Operators and Expressions: Arithmetic Operators – Relational Operators- Logical Operators – Assignment Operators – Increment and Decrement Operators – Conditional Operators – Bitwise Operators – Special Operators – Arithmetic Expressions – Evaluation of Expressions – Precedence of Arithmetic Operators – Operator Precedence and Associativity- Mathematical Functions.   Decision Making and Branching: Decision Making with If statement – Simple If Statement-If else Statement-Nesting If Else Statement- the ElseIf Ladder-The switch Statement –  The ?: operator.   Decision Making and Looping: The while statement – The do statement – The for statement – Jumps in Loops.   Class,  Objects and Methods: Defining a Class – Fields Declaration – Methods Declaration – Creating Objects – Accessing class members – Constructors – Methods Overloading – Static Members –Nesting of Methods – Inheritance – Overriding Methods – Final Variables and Methods – Final Classes –Finalizer Methods- Abstract Methods and Classes – Visibility Control. 

Arrays,  Strings and Vectors: One-dimensional Arrays-creating an Array – Two dimensional Arrays –Strings – Vectors – Wrapper Classes – Enumerated Types.   Interfaces: Multiple Inheritance : Defining Interfaces – Extending Interfaces – Implementing Interfaces – Accessing Interface Variables.   Packages: Java API Packages – Using system Packages – Naming Conventions – Creating Packages – Accessing a Package – Using a Package – Adding a Class to a Package – Hiding Classes – Static Import. 

 Multithreaded Programming: Creating Threads – Extending the Thread Class – Stopping and Blocking a Thread – Life Cycle of a Thread – Using Thread Methods – Thread Exceptions – Thread Priority – Synchronization-Implementing the Runnable Interface- Managing Errors and Exceptions: Types of Errors – Exceptions – Syntax of Exception Handling Code – Multiple Catch Statements – Using Finally Statement – Throwing our own Exceptions – Using Exceptions for debugging.   Applet Programming: How Applets differ from Applications – Preparing to write Applets – Building Applet Code – Applet Life Cycle – Creating an executable Applet – Designing a WebPage – Applet Tag – Adding Applet to HTML file – Running the Applet.   

Graphics Programming: The Graphics Class- Lines and Rectangles- Circles and Ellipses,  Drawing Arcs- Drawing Polygons- Line Graphs- Using Control Loops in Applets –Drawing Bar Charts.   Managing Input/Output Files in Java: Concept of Streams-Stream Classes-Byte Stream Classes- Character Stream Classes- Using Streams- Other Useful I/O Classes-Using the file Class- I/O Exceptions- Creation of Files-Reading / Writing Characters- Reading / Writing Bytes- Handling Primitive Data Types- Concatenating and Buffering Files-Random Access Files – Interactive Input and Output. 

Text Book

  1. Programming with Java,  A primer,  3e,  E.  Balagurusamy,  TATA McGraw-Hill Company,  2008.      (Chapters : 1 to 16 )

UNIT I     :  Chapters : 1, 2, 3, 4
UNIT II    :  Chapters : 5, 6, 7, 8
UNIT III   :  Chapters : 9, 10, 11
UNIT IV   :  Chapters : 12,  13,  14)
UNIT V    :  Chapters  15, 16

Reference Books

1.      Java and Object-Oriented Programming Paradigm,  Debasish Jana,  Prentice-Hall of India Private Limited,  New Delhi,  2008. 

Syllabus - SBS1- Lab 4 : Linux Programming

SBS1- Lab 4 :  Linux Programming
(2 hours 2 Credits)
  1. Find the sum of the digits of a given number
  2. Find the reverse of a number
  3. Perform basic arithmetic operations using case
  4. Display multiplication table
  5. Check whether a number is prime or not using while
  6. Convert lowercase to uppercase using tr statement
  7. Check for an adam number
  8. Check pattern matching using grep
  9. Find the number of users who have logged in
10.  Check for palindrome
11.   Find age of a person using set date
12.   Write a menu driven program to display today’s date,   
        Processes of the system,  user’s of the system,  list files of
       the system
13.   Read 10 names from a file and sort in
                   a.   Ascending order 
b.   Descending order
14.   Write a menu driven program to check for file existence,  file  
         readable or not,  file writeable or not,  
15.   Get mark details of a student and display total and grade
16.   Prepare electricity bill
17.   To set the attributes of a given file
18.   To check the given file is a directory or not
19.   To create and append a file
20.   To compare two files
21.   To perform string manipulation

Syllabus - AS3: Resource Management Techniques

 AS3:  Resource Management Techniques
( 4 Hours – 5 Credits)
Development of OR – Definition of OR – Modeling – Characteristics & Phases – tools,  techniques & methods – Scope of OR

Linear Programming Problem – Formulation – Slack & Surplus variables – Graphical solution of LPP

Simplex method – Computational procedure – Artificial variables techniques – Big M Method

Mathematical formulation of assignment problem – Methods for solving the assignment problems

Mathematical formulation of transportation problem – Methods for solving the transportation problem

Text  Book:

                Operation Research,  S.   D.   Sharma,  Kedar Nath Ram Nath & Co,  2004

Reference Books:

1.         Operations Research,  Nita H.  Shah, Ravi M.  Gor and Hardik Soni,  Prentice-Hall of
            India Pvt.  Ltd,  New Delhi,  2008. 

2.         Operation Research ,  R Sivarethinamohan,  Tata McGraw Hill ,  2005

UNIT I  :    Chapter 1 (1.  1,  1.  2,  1.  4,  1.  5,  1.  8,  1.  9,  1.  10,  1.  11)

UNIT II :    Chapter 3 (3.  1,  3.  2,  3.  3,  3.  3.  1,  3.  3.  2,  3.  3.  3,  3.  3.  4,  3.  4,  3.  5)

UNIT III :   Chapter 5 (5.  1,  5.  2,  5.  2.  1,  5.  3,  5.  4,  5.  5,  5.  5.  1,  5.  5.  2,  5.  5.  3,  5.  5.  4)

UNIT IV :   Chapter 11 (11.  2,  11.  3 and 11.  4)

UNIT V  :   Chapter 12 (12.  2 to 12.  8 )