Wednesday, 2 January 2013

BCA Syllabus – C & UNIX Shell Programming Lab

2.6 C & UNIX Shell Programming Lab

First Year          Part III Group A                   Second Semester       Subject Code :   

C Programming Lab
1.      Write A Program To Reverse A Given Number & Largest Number And Smaller Number Among N Numbers By Using IF Statement
2.      Write A Program To Convert The Decimal To Binary Conversion & Binary To Decimal Conversion & To Check The Perfect Numbers By Using While Statement.
3.      Write A Program To Find The Sum, Average, and Standard Deviation For The Given n Numbers.
4.      Write A Program To Find The Factorial Of A Given Number &To Count The Positive, Negative & Zero Numbers.
5.      Write A Program To Find The Occurrences Of Each Character In The String & To Concatenate Two Strings Without Using String Library Function.
6.      Write A Program To Read The Text And Count The Number Of Vowels, Consonants, Digits In It.
7.      Write A Program To Evaluate The Sine Series And Cos Series.
8.      Write A Program To Design The Calculator Functions As (i) ADDITON
9.      Write A Program (i)To Find The Factorial Of A Number Using Recursion And Compute       (ii)To Reverse The Text Using Recursion.
10.  Write A Program To Sort The List Of Names & Sort The List Of Integers In Ascending Order.
11.  Write A Program To Check Whether The Given Matrix Is Symmetry Or Not.
12.  Write A Program To Count The Number Of Lines, Words, And Characters In A File.
13.  Write A Program To Separate ODD And EVEN Numbers Using File.
14.  Write A File-Handling Program To Create And Process Student Mark Sheet System.(Assume Your Own Fields).
15.  Write A File-Handling Program To Create And Process Employee Pay Bill System. (Assume Your Own Fields).     

Unix & Shell Programming 
1. Write a Shell program to count number of user’s login and print first login user     information
2. Write Shell program to all files whose size is greater than specific size.
3. Write Shell Script to read user name and find whether the user is currently working in the system or not
4. Study of UNIX filters like grep, awk, tr, sed, etc.
5. Unix Shell programming
6. Writing C program to implement UNIX commands like cat, cp, etc.
7. Writing C Program to implement grep, sed, etc.
8. Developing simple exercises in Unix Graphics.

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